I've not posted in a month
04 Sep 2015
This is me stopping myself from never writing again by promising I will write as soon as I have something interesting to say.
The reason I haven’t written anything for a whole August is that nothing of note really happened. I spent 2 weeks working at Fire Tech Camp, but I already wrote about that. I didn’t go to South Korea because of MERS and was incredibly lucky I hadn’t booked my flights, as Global Hackathon Seoul has severely dented its reputation by running out of money and not being able to help people get their flights refunded.
The most notable thing I guess of this month was that I sorted housing for Cambridge and played my first “gig” with my sisters at my uncle’s wedding. Did it for free, went down a storm. We’re now planning to do more of them as a part time job, the website of which (if you click that link) is temporarily up as a sub domain but will probably get a full domain whenever I decide what domain to buy.
Since that occasion which was last week I’ve pretty much been chillin’, modifying my projects page and tweeting about how I’ve not written anything. I’m now in the waiting period where I just…do nothing until the journey to Cambridge on Sunday. Exciting times.