09 Jul 2015
While I was away in South America I got my results. Honestly, I was fairly sure I’d got a first. Whilst I was with my tour group someone asked what I was expecting to get and I said “at least a first”, so he laughed and told his friend what I’d said. Honestly, I was hoping to hit a specific percent hence I said that.
01 Jun 2015
Today I completed my last demonstration for an academic purpose (hopefully!). Last week I did my last exam, and in a couple of months I will officially be Charlotte Godley BSc Hons.
24 May 2015

Today I have another tutorial because I’ve been fiddling again. This time I was working on changing my application so that it will show each pair of pages horizontally, and then subsequent pairs vertically as if it were a book. Important for musicians because it requires less page turning.
22 May 2015
I started on a post about a month ago about packaging for multiple operating systems. The process involves taking a python application and producing an app file for Mac, an exe file for Windows, and probably a shell script or something for Linux. Here I’m going to talk about problems I specifically found producing an app file.
22 May 2015
I recently did a complete overhaul of my UI for my Final Year Project. I still have yet to confirm with my supervisor whether this is ok, but as my project doesn’t even include a GUI as an objective I’m fairly sure it will be ok. As an interim measure I’ve kept it separate to application logic for now.
ANYWAY, this is the new GUI:
And the GUI in candy theme: