02 Apr 2015
A friend from the Raspberry Pi community makes it well known that in his company, “documentation is considered too important to leave to developers”, and as I’ve hacked my way through the past year of writing and recording coding tutorials, I can completely see why, and that’s shaped a lot of the code I now write.
15 Mar 2015
My project is progressing nicely, to the point where I’m ready to start connecting it to an interface that isn’t black and white - that is, a graphical user interface.
02 Mar 2015
I’m coming to the end of the education portion of my life. It’s weird and I’m scared excited and a little bit sick, but overall, relieved that this year will soon be over and I can get free time I haven’t really had since year 8 or 9 of Secondary School.
26 Feb 2015
In a previous blog post I hashed out my thoughts on my current system, why I needed to change it and what I thought I should change it to.
At that point my thoughts were going along the route of what kinds of structures I’d used back in Computer Science first year, and I immediately jumped for a linked list - why? Because I was looking at it from the point of view that I’d do my notes as a completely separate entity to everything else.
As I started creating unit tests for a python implementation of the idea, I quickly realised as I was indexing everything by notes, the idea of keeping things separate was dumb.
I’m not in the lab right now, so I can’t draw a new whiteboarded model, but loosely, my structure is now:
Piece has part children
Part has staff children
staff has measure children
measures have voice children
voice has note children
notes have 2-3 children which can either be notes, expressions or directions.
24 Feb 2015
Recently I’ve spent around 3 or so months solidly working on my Final Year Project. It’s quite interesting seeing certain styles of my own development change and develop over time.
Most obviously, the changes in how I work on this fall into 2 categories, 1 of which is the way I use source code control.