The InCredible Hull-k
01 Jun 2015Today I completed my last demonstration for an academic purpose (hopefully!). Last week I did my last exam, and in a couple of months I will officially be Charlotte Godley BSc Hons.
As my time at Hull has been fraught with puns - Costa Del Hull, Highway to Hull, TONIGHT, WE DINE, IN HULL etc etc., it seemed only fitting to come up with an extremely bad pun to title my final blog post on my time here.
There’s been upsides, there’s been downsides, there’s been moments where I’ve wondered “what the hell am I doing” and wanted to leave, but overall, I don’t think I’d change any of it, and that agonising decision over which university to go to ended pretty well for me. I will miss people asking me “where’s Hulli?” when I go to international conferences (or in fact, even when I go to events in London), I will miss the chip spice and I will miss the lecturers and the students here, but it’s time to move on and I’m super excited.
What’s next? Tomorrow I’m heading North for a road trip around Scotland with my sister who is soon to be MEng Chemical Engineering, then in 16 days I’m heading out to South America to visit Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil. I’ve been to Paraguay before but didn’t get to Iguazu Falls which borders Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina, so I needed another visit to make sure I’d done that and pick up some Terere (Paraguayan Tea which you can drink warm or cold. It’s an acquired taste, but after 10 days in 30-40 degree heat I loved it).
Yeah that’s still not all. When I get back I have a week or so to rest and then I graduate, and then the next day my sister graduates, so the night of graduation I’ll probably be in the back of a car heading up to Newcastle. A couple of weeks after that I have a place at Global Hackathon Seoul which is almost all expenses paid, so I’ll be spending about a week or so in Seoul at the hackathon and then probably a week or so travelling South Korea and Japan. When I get back I’m working with Fire Tech Camp as a camp instructor in Manchester and then Leeds, then I’m off to Ireland for a week for my uncle’s wedding, and FINALLY DUN DUN DUN…
I’m moving to Cambridge. I start my new job a week into September at Cambridge Consultants, which I’m super excited about because it’s one of the jobs I’ve read where I’ve gone “This is me. This is what I want” and I never expected to have figured that out by this point. I’ve dropped hints about this job for several months because I was lucky enough to have my job sorted from the end of 2014 which was a definite weight off my mind heading into second term of final year.
Christ. I’m exhausted reading that. Finally, all that’s left to leave you with is this:
P.S. Yesterday I turned a year older.